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Congmin Peng Adjunct Assistant Professor


Dr. Congmin Peng joined National Sun Yat-sen University at early 2021 when she back to Taiwan. Before joining NSYSU, Professor Congmin Peng has been working for Finance and Economics in the UK for decades. Professor Peng received her Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Essex, UK, which ranks among the top 100 universities of economics, finance and accounting & finance in the world. Immediately after graduation, she joined Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, UK. With excellent teaching methods and outstanding research production, she obtained the university’s tenure qualification in less than two years. In addition, Professor Peng holds the British Higher Education Senior Teacher Qualification Certificate (Fellow of The Higher Education Academy), and has also won the honor of research fellowship of the Universities she was working with such as Cambridge University.

In the past career, Professor Congmin Peng has served as Deputy Director of large international banks, Quantitative Investment Analyst, and Deputy Director of International Relation and Accreditation Office at Sun Yat-Sen University, with many honors awarded. With excellent research performance Professor Peng has published many papers in internationally renowned journals (SSCI) as the main author. Professor Peng's research expertise goes beyond the conservative economic and financial research, integrating economics and finance, gender discrimination in the workplace, pension issues in the government system, and even climate change issues. Its cross-disciplinary innovative research is not only academic, but also highly forward-looking and practical. In addition, Professor Peng's collaboration with Amazon on research project of women’s performance in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) has also aroused extensive discussion.

Dr. Peng has been serving as the conference chairman of the Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA) International Symposium, reviewer for a variety of internationally renowned journals, including Economic Modelling, The Singapore Economic Review, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Journal of Family and Economic Issues etc. Professor Congmin Peng proactively interact between domestic research and international research by collaborating with top international universities, such as the University of Cambridge and the University of Essex. The indepth and frequent collaboration with international researchers would efficiently improve our research quality and research impact power globally.

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